7 Tips to Take Your Poker Game From "Meh" to Amazing

13 min read
7 Poker Tips to Take Your Poker Game From "Meh" to Amazing

Are you struggling to turn a decent profit at the poker tables on a consistent basis? Are your results best described as "somewhere around break-even"?

First off, don't worry because you are not alone. This describes the results of the majority of poker players. 

Often, however, it is just a few small poker strategy adjustments that can take your game from mediocre to amazing — from break-even to crushing it. 

In this article, I am going to provide you with seven subtle but highly effective poker tips to help you get better at poker.

  • #1 - Think about ranges, not hands
  • #2 - Ditch your favorite hand
  • #3 - Adopt a consistent strategy
  • #4 - Always have a reason
  • #5 - Know when to fold your aces
  • #6 - Realize tilt only hurts you
  • #7 - Don't play bad games

Poker Tip #1 - Think About Ranges, Not Hands

It doesn't matter what type of casino poker you play: one of the easiest ways to spot average and beginner poker players  is to look at how they think about what their opponent has. 

  • Beginner poker players try and put somebody on a specific poker hand. 
  • Advanced poker players think in terms of ranges. This type of thinking that can be extremely important when calculating pot odds.

A range is the entire spectrum of poker hands somebody can have in a specific situation. For example, player X can have a flush, top pair, middle pair, bottom pair, a draw, ace-high or a complete air-ball bluff.

Good players who have already gone through a few poker strategy articles understand that player X will show up with this entire range of hands with various frequencies. They don't focus on identifying a single winning hand, but they try and figure out those frequencies and then make the best play. 

Average players try to put an opponent on exactly AJ (or some other specific hand) because that's "what their gut tells them."

If there's one thing you need to know when you learn the game, this is that poker strategy tips and 'gut feeling' don't go well together. Basing your tournament strategy or cash game play on what you 'feel' is never a good idea.

In the first video of this beginner's guide to poker tips for beginners, poker pro Jason Wheeler explains how uses every possible information available to understand his opponent's cards and choose his play.

Poker Tip Key Takeaway: Be Realistic 

Don't put your opponent on a single hand but think about ranges. Nobody has a specific hand in poker — they only have a range.

If you are in still the process of learning the game and you need some help, have a look at the complete poker hands ranking.

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Poker Tip #2 - Ditch Your Favorite Hand

A lot of people have a favorite hand. I know that every time I get dealt the old 9x7x-suited my eyes light up and I want to play it so bad!

However, in reality, I know that 9x7x-suited is a mediocre hand.  Definitely not one of the best starting hands you can hey in a game of Texas hold'em.

It makes sense to play it in some spots — late position, for instance, in an unopened pot. But it should almost always be folded in early position. 

If you currently have some favorite starting hands, that's fine — most people do. But don't give them preferential treatment and make bad plays with it. 

Winning poker is about math and cold hard logic, not superstition.

Poker Tip Key Takeaway: Be Smart

Playing too many hands is a widespread mistake (see: Five Common Mistakes New Poker Players Make). 

One of the best ways to avoid it is to introduce range-based thinking in your reads.

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Poker Tip #3 - Adopt a Consistent Strategy

Another big key to becoming a great poker player (and perhaps one of the most important poker tips on this strategy guide) is to consistently apply a winning strategy. 

It is not okay suddenly to change things up (e.g. to open with 9x7x-suited from early position or turn yourself into a calling station) just because you are bored or tilted.

All of your learning, experience and study over the years has given you a body of knowledge telling you how to play Texas Hold 'Em.

But your poker strategy only actually matters if you apply it at the poker tables all the time. Every hand counts and every session counts.

The best poker players, those ones who know how to win at poker, apply the same winning strategy over and over again, no matter how they feel or what their recent results have been.

Poker Tip Key Takeaway: Be Consistent

Poker is a long-term game. You need time to build your bankroll and find the right cash game or poker tournament strategy that works for you.

You should not change your strategy after a big win or a big loss (here's why).

If you really feel like your approach needs to change, make sure you read this article on Handling the Ups and Downs of Low Stakes Poker first.

Poker Tip #4 - Always Have a Reason

Big-time winning poker players will sometimes break from their standard, successful strategies, but always for obvious reasons. 

An average player might start raising 9x7x-suited in early position because he is bored or wants to make something happen. 

An elite poker player will raise with this hand in this position on occasion because he notices the table is playing passively and there are a couple of recreational players in the blinds. 

There is a clear reason then to believe that raising 9x7x-suited in early position (typically a fold under normal circumstances) might be a profitable play in this situation.

If you can produce a well-reasoned argument why deviating from your regular strategy might be more profitable, then it is okay. It is the "because I feel like it" or "I am bored" reasoning that has to go.

Poker Tip Key Takeaway: Be Reasonable

Think. Use your experience to analyse the situations, and then understand 'why' you would take one road and not another.

If you don't have enough experience to evaluate different situations yet, you better go back to the free games and grind.

Poker Tip #5 - Know When to Fold Your Aces

Another clear difference between average poker players and great poker players is the ability to fold an overpair. 

Do you know that little sick feeling you get when you have AxAx and a tight opponent raises all-in on the turn? You make the so-called "crying call", and he turns over the set yet again.

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You need to start paying attention to that feeling a little bit more often. 

Certain patterns are easily recognizable at the lower stakes — especially when you play online poker — where it is 100 per cent the correct play to fold your overpair. 

Good players can let go of any emotional attachment to their pretty-looking hands. Average players get married to their aces or kings instead, and can't let them go even when they know they are beat.

Poker Tip Key Takeaway: Aces Lose Too

Starting with the best of all poker hands isn't enough to guarantee you a winning hand.

Ask anyone for good poker pro tip, and they will all tell you the same thing: sometimes, you'll need to fold those Aces.

For more info on this specific topic, have a look at this article on How to Play Pocket Aces.

Poker Tip #6. Realize Tilt Only Hurts You

Tilt is a destroyer of bankrolls, dreams, and poker careers.

I can't tell you how often I receive emails or comments from people who describe to me how they've tilted vast amounts of their bankroll away when things went badly at the poker tables.

The reality of poker is that sometimes things will go badly for you, and there is absolutely nothing that you can do about it. 

This is what you sign up for every time you sit down to play card games.

There's always the possibility you might run terribly. You might run lights out as well, though. 

When you allow yourself to lose control of your emotions and throw your strategy out the window, the only person you are hurting is yourself. 

All those hours you've spent trying to learn and improve your game were basically wasted because you decided to choose your emotions over reason when it mattered.

Respect the work that you have done. You owe it to yourself to maintain more composure and stop throwing away money when the cards go south. 

Poker Tip Key Takeaway: Relax

The psychological side of poker can be overwhelming, and you need to be ready to deal with it.

Swings happen and bad beats will come. If you don't know how do deal with this, have a look at the poker tips Italy's poker pro Rocco Palumbo shared with PokerNews at the PokerStars Championship in Prague.

If these poker tips work for Palumbo, they may as well work for you!

Poker Tip #7 - Don't Play Bad Games

One more way beginner poker players can sabotage their poker results is by stubbornly playing in games that are full of decent-to-good regulars. 

If you can't find somebody at the table who is playing very poorly, then you have to ask yourself why it is that you are even there. 

If you only play poker for the mental challenge or recreation or pleasure, then this is fine. This poker tip doesn't necessarily apply to you. 

Play Online Poker with Your Friends!

Use this guide to set up your next home game online and play online poker with your friends for free or real money.

But if winning real money or chips is at all a priority for you, then you need to remember you don't turn a significant profit in poker by pushing tiny edges against good poker players. 

You win big by playing against players who are making significant fundamental errors and giving away their money over the long term.

As the classic movie Rounders reminds us, "If you can't spot the sucker in your first half-hour at the table, then you are the sucker."

Poker Tip Key Takeaway: Choose the Right Games

Don't sit with the pros if you can't beat them. Selecting the right games is key to your successes in poker — one wrong move, and you are out.

Again, there's no shame in playing free poker games or in looking for the best freeroll poker tournaments to play online if that's what you need.

Want to learn how to be good at poker?

The divide between break-even beginner players and big-time winners is not as wide as many people think. 

It is often just a few simple little adjustments you can learn over time that can carry you over to enable you to play poker well and start winning at a higher clip.

A lot of it has to do with starting to view the game in a much more cold, detached, mathematical, and logical way than you presently do. 

Emotional and/or superstitious poker players almost always lose or struggle to remain even. 

Elite poker players, meanwhile, know they are in it for the long haul and don't get overly wrapped up in each hand or moment. They continue to make the most profitable play again and again, no matter what.

There are no tricks or shortcuts to get good at poker. Improving your poker skills takes time and practice, but with dedication and the right approach, you can become a better poker player.

Here at PokerNews we have a whole section dedicated to poker strategies, for beginners right through to advanced, so no matter where you are on your poker journey we have you covered.

If you want to know how to get better at poker, you might also like to read....

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Playing online poker for free is the best way to hone your poker skills and practice with no risk.

How to get better at Poker FAQs

How can I get better at poker?

There's no shortcut to becoming a skilled poker player. The key to getting better at poker is dedication, practice and continuous learning. Make sure you study the game, understand the rules and strategies, and play regularly. Remember, most online sites will let you play for free - only move to real money poker when you are ready.

What's the best way to learn poker?

There isn't a one size fits all answer for the best way to learn poker, as each person will have things that work well for them. However, learning from experienced players and studying poker books, articles, and videos can be highly beneficial, and there are many online resources, courses, and forums where you can improve your knowledge. The poker strategy section right here on PokerNews is a good place to start.

How do I improve my poker skills without losing too much money?

To avoid losing too much money playing poker, you can play for free on one of the many free online poker games out there, or stick to poker freerolls. Once you are ready to play poker for real money, you can play low-stakes games to practice without risking much. Additionally, focus on bankroll management to ensure you don't lose more than you can afford.

Is it important to know poker math and odds?

Yes, understanding poker math and odds is an important part of being good at poker. Knowing the probability of hands, calculating pot odds and understanding expected value (EV) will help you make better decisions.

What's the role of psychology in poker?

Poker is a strategic game, but psychology is also an important facet. Learning how to to read your opponents and control your emotions is important for success.

How can I practice my poker skills?

Playing games of poker is the best way to improve your poker skills, but you can also use hand history analysis, discuss hands with other players and use poker software to review your play.

What is bankroll management, and why is it important?

Bankroll management is setting limits on how much you're willing to risk in poker. It ensures you don't go broke during losing streaks and can continue playing and improving. Never ever bet more than you can afford to lose.

When should I move up in stakes?

You should move up in stakes only when you consistently beat the current level and have a bankroll that allows you to play for the higher stakes. Gradual progression is key - there's no need to rush. Never bet more than you can afford to lose.

Nathan "BlackRain79" Williams is the author of the popular micro stakes strategy books Crushing the Microstakes and Modern Small Stakes. He also blogs regularly about all things related to the micros over at www.blackrain79.com.

This article was originally published on Feb. 13, 2017. Last update: Oct. 20, 2023.

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