2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

$1,200 Main Event
Day: 1d
Event Info

2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

Event Info
Prize Pool
Players Left
Average Chip Stack
Total Chips
Level Info
6,000 / 12,000
Players Info - Day 1d
Players Left

Level: 5

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 600

Lee Finds an Ace to Double Up

Level 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Action was picked up with Jacky Lee all in for 18,400, and Tal Zur calling to put him at risk.

Jacky Lee: A10 All in
Tal Zur: 1010

Zur was in dominate position to score a knockout, but after the board ran out 4A689 Lee improved to a pair of aces to secure the double up.

Player Chips Progress
Jacky Lee us
Jacky Lee
Tal Zur us
Tal Zur

Tags: Tal ZurJacky Lee

Prager Gets Paid

Level 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Stephan Crockett raised from early position to 1,200, and when it folded to Joshua Prager on the button, he three-bet to 3,500. It folded back to Crockett who made the call.

Both players checked after the A10Q flop, and the turn brought the 8. Crockett then check-called a bet of 4,000 from Prager.

The river was the 4 and Crockett again check-called a bet from Prager, this time for 7,500. Prager then tabled AK for top pair top kicker to take the pot, as Crockett mucked his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Stephan Crockett us
Stephan Crockett
Joshua Prager us
Joshua Prager

Tags: Stephan CrockettJoshua Prager

Higgins Flops a Set and Gets a Double Up

Level 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Action was picked up on the river with Lam Nguyen facing an all in bet of 56,500 from Daniel Higgins, with roughly 40,000 in the pot and the board showing 54686

Nguyen was deep in the tank, debating his decision for majority of chips for nearly two minutes, before finding a call to put Higgins at risk. Higgins tabled 55 for a full house fives full of sixes, and Nguyen showed KK before tossing them in the muck, as Higgins took in the sizeable pot.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Higgins us
Daniel Higgins
Lam Nguyen us
Lam Nguyen

Tags: Lam NguyenDaniel Higgins

Level: 6

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 800

Lee Knockouts Zur With Big Slick

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Kyung Lee raised to 2,100 from early position, and was called by both the player in middle position and the cutoff. Then Tal Zur in the small blind three-bet all in for 11,300. After the big blind folded, Lee four-bet to 100,000, which got the callers to both fold and leave the players heads up, with Zur at risk.

Tal Zur: AJ All in
Kyung Lee: AK

Zur was dominated by Lee, and once the board ran out 58Q82 the ace king was still best, and Zur was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Kyung Lee us
Kyung Lee
Tal Zur us
Tal Zur

Tags: Tal ZurKyung Lee

Park Nails the Flop to Stay In It

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Jin Park was all in for 8,600, and Bradley Harris putting him at risk.

Jin Park: A8
Bradley Harris: A10

Harris was in a great spot to score the knockout, but after the board ran out 3385Q Park improved to two pair, eights and threes to double up.

Player Chips Progress
Jin Park us
Jin Park
Bradley Harris us
Bradley Harris
Day 1D Chip Leader

Tags: Jin ParkBradley Harris

Ung Takes It

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Jonah Lopas opened the action with a raise to 1,800 from the hijack, and was called by Michael Ung on the button, and the big blind.

After the flop came 2106 action checked to Ung on the button, and he bet out 3,500. The big blind folded, and Lopas made the call.

The turn was the 2 and Lopas checked to Ung, who fired out 7,500, which got Lopas to fold and give Ung the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Ung us
Michael Ung
Jonah Lopas
Jonah Lopas

Tags: Jonah LopasMichael Ung

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Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
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