2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

$1,200 Main Event
Day: 1b
Event Info

2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

Event Info
Prize Pool
Players Left
Average Chip Stack
Total Chips
Level Info
6,000 / 12,000
Players Info - Day 1b
Players Left

Paul Nguyen Eliminated On the Bubble

Level 16 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Paul Nguyen (Photo by :@Kierolovesyou)
Paul Nguyen (Photo by :@Kierolovesyou)

Action folded to Sungmi Cho in the cutoff, and he raised to 20,000, before Paul Nguyen on the button, three-bet all in for 280,000. The blinds folded, and Cho quickly put in a chip to call.

Paul Nguyen: KJ All in
Sungmi Cho: AK

Nguyen tried to steal pot from Cho, but he had a real hand and Nguyen dominated. Once the board ran out 78383 the ace high of Cho was still best, to give him the pot, eliminate Nguyen, and burst the money bubble.

Player Chips Progress
Sungmin Cho kr
Sungmin Cho
Day 1B Chip Leader

Tags: Paul Nguyen

Hall Wins the Race to Knockout Casella

Level 15 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

Sungmi Cho opened the action with a raise to 13,000, and Beth Hall on the button made the call. Then Michael Casella three-bet all in for 157,000. Cho folded, and Hall went into the tank, but eventually counted out the chips to make the call, and put Casella at risk.

Michael Casella: AK All in
Beth Hall: 99

Hall found the right call, but would need to win the race to knockout Casella. But when the board ran out 42QJ7 the pocket nines of Hall remained best, and Casella was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Sungmi Cho kr
Sungmi Cho
Beth Hall us
Beth Hall
Jaka Coaching
Michael Casella us
Michael Casella

Tags: Beth HallMichael Casella

Cho Wakes Up With Kings and Knocks Out Shiganyan

Level 15 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

Beth Hall raised to 12,000 from under the gun, and when it folded to Stepan Shiganyan in the cutoff, he three-bet all in for 103,000. After the button folded, Sungmi Cho in the small blind made the call. The big blind and Hall quickly folded, leaving the players heads up with Shiganyan at risk.

Stepan Shiganyan: AJ All in
Sungmi Cho: KK

Shiganyan ran right into the kings of Cho, and after the board ran out 79K104 Cho improved to a set of kings to eliminate Shiganyan.

Player Chips Progress
Sungmi Cho kr
Sungmi Cho
Beth Hall us
Beth Hall
Jaka Coaching
Stepan Shiganyan
Stepan Shiganyan

Tags: Stepan ShiganyanBeth Hall

Action Flop Gives Natividad Heaps and Leaves Fiorentino on Fumes

Level 13 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Robert Natividad (Photo by: @kierolovesyou)
Robert Natividad (Photo by: @kierolovesyou)

Marc Fiorentino opened the action with a raise to 9,000 from the hijack, and after it folded to the big blind Robert Natividad, he made the call.

After the flop came AQ9 Natividad checked to Fiorentino, who bet out 16,000. Natividad then raised to 55,000, and Fiorentino three-bet to put Natividad all in for his stack of 171,000. Natividad wasted no time and put in the chips to call.

Robert Natividad: KJ All in
Marc Fiorentino: A9

It was an action flop with Fiorentino ahead with his two pair, but Natividad had straight draw and flush draw. Once the turn came the 10 , and river 10 Natividad had the best hand with a straight, to take the massive pot.

A few hands later Fiorentino was seen leaving the tournament area after being eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Natividad us
Robert Natividad
Marc Fiorentino us
Marc Fiorentino

Tags: Marc FiorentinoRobert Natividad

Hall Flops Quads to Knockout Prager

Level 12 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Beth Hall (Photo By: @kierolovesyou)
Beth Hall (Photo By: @kierolovesyou)

Action was picked up with Joshua Prager all in for 40,000, and Beth Hall calling to put him at risk.

Joshua Prager: AK All in
Beth Hall: 99

It was a flip but Prager would need to improve against the pocket nines of Hall. But once the flop came 989 Prager was left drawing dead after Hall flopped quads. After the 2 on the turn, and 3 on the river, Prager was officially eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Beth Hall us
Beth Hall
Jaka Coaching
Joshua Prager us
Joshua Prager

Tags: Beth HallJoshua Prager

Bakri Eliminated

Level 9 : Blinds 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

Ronald Carmon opened the action with a raise from middle position, and when it folded to Martin Bakri in the cutoff, he three-bet all in for 8,200. The button Sean Yu made the call, and after the blinds folded Carmon called as well.

After the Q63 flop, Carmon checked to Yu who bet out, which got a quick fold from Carmon to leave the players heads up, with Bakri at risk.

Martin Bakri: A6 All in
Sean Yu: QJ

Bakri was ahead preflop, but after Yu flopped top pair with a flush draw he was in desperate shape. The 5 on the turn sealed Bakri's fate, as Yu made his flush. The Q on the river officially eliminated Bakri, as Yu took in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Sean Yu us
Sean Yu
Ronald Carmon us
Ronald Carmon
Martin Bakri us
Martin Bakri

Tags: Ronald CarmonMartin BakriSean Yu

Prager Sends Kings Down in Flames

Level 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Joshua Prager opened from under the gun to 2,500, and it folded to player in middle position, who went all in for 4,500. It folded back to Prager who called to put the player at risk.

All in Player: KK
Joshua Prager: AJ

The all in player was in a great spot to double up, but once the board ran out 54AJ7 Prager improved to two pair, aces and jacks to eliminate his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
Joshua Prager us
Joshua Prager

Tags: Joshua Prager

Brandt Flops the World

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Action was picked up on the flop with roughly 8,000 in the pot, and the board showing 274.

Katherine Brandt checked from middle position to a player in the cutoff who bet out 4,400, when Brandt raised him all in for his last 20,000 chips. After debating his decision, the cutoff made the call to put himself at risk.

Cutoff: J4 All in
Katherine Brandt: 65

The cutoff made the call and was happy to see he was ahead with his pair of fours, but he would need to fade the two over cards and the open-ended straight flush draw of Brandt. The 8 on the turn left the cutoff drawing dead as Brandt hit her straight, and the 6 on the river officially eliminated him as Brandt took in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Katherine Brandt us
Katherine Brandt

Tags: Katherine Brandt

Khalili Rivers a Set to Knock Out Zur

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Action was picked up on the flop with 14,100 in the pot, and the board showing K310.

The big blind Sohale Khalili bet out 5,000, before Tal Zur on the button raised all in for 21,200. After debating his decision, Khalili found the call, to put Zur at risk.

Tal Zur: K3 All in
Sohale Khalili: QQ

Zur flopped top and bottom pair, but the J on the turn gave Khalili extra outs as he now had an open ended straight draw. But those outs weren't needed as the river came with the Q to give Khalili a set of queens, to make the best hand and eliminate Zur.

Player Chips Progress
Sohale Khalili us
Sohale Khalili
Tal Zur us
Tal Zur

Tags: Tal ZurSohale Khalili

Khalili Gets Tricky With Cowboys

Level 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Sohale Khalili
Sohale Khalili

A player opened the action with a raise from middle position, and was called by Sohale Khalili in the hijack, a player in the cutoff called, before Michael Nia three-bet all in for 8,800 on the button. Once the blinds folded, the original raiser folded, and Khalili made the call. The cutoff then folded to leave the players heads up, with Nia at risk.

Michael Nia: K10 All in
Sohale Khalili: KK

Khalili set the trap with his pocket kings and let Nia walk right into it. Once the board ran out 557106 the pocket kings of Khalili were still best, to give him the pot and knockout Nia.

Player Chips Progress
Sohale Khalili us
Sohale Khalili
Michael Nia us
Michael Nia